


What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?

This is the question that must arise when looking at anything and everything the Church does, including the youth group. That is because everything we have is a gift from God, and our only response is to follow Jesus Christ, i.e. to be a disciple of Christ.

Being a disciple of Christ is certain for the Christian youth; what that looks like is something that is determined by God’s Word in the context of people’s personal lives and communities. There are some things that go without saying: worship, studying the Word, prayer, having fun, helping others, and telling others about Christ.

The specifics of how we accomplish all of this we will discover together over the course of time.
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Connect Your College Student

Connect Your Students With Local Congregations
Colleges across America have started the new school year already or will be starting in the coming days and weeks. If you have students in your congregation leaving for college, be sure to connect them with a local church and pastor, whether that church has a designated campus ministry or not. And if you know any students attending Chico State University or Butte College in Chico, CA, please contact Pastor Brennan DeForest of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Chico, CA.

For a link to all the CNH campus ministry opportunities, click here.

May God be with our college students during this very influential time in their lives.
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Join other sisters in Christ for an uplifting day of Bible study, singing, inspiration, relaxation, good food, socializing, and an ingathering. Bible Study Leader, Jane Hoffmann, will present the Bible study she led during the 2024 LWML CNH Convention, “Gifted to Serve by God’s Grace”.  Topics include: How May I Serve, How Does God Use Our Suffering for Service, How Do We Keep Up Our Strength, and How Does Our Service Change as We Get Older.

Who:  All women!  Invite your friends to come with you!
When: Saturday, September 28, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Where: Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 1989 E. Calaveras Blvd., Milpitas, CA

Registration: Contact Linda Bradley at or 650-704-6472. Required by September 21, 2024 - $20/person (payable at the door by cash or check)

Click here for a printable bulletin flyer with more details.
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Women’s Group (WINGS)

WINGS (Women IN God's Service)

For WINGS questions, please contact
Liz Barriga - and
Sally Engebrethson -

Knit Night (Knitting for fellowship and charity)
The Knitting/Crochet dates are September 18 and October 2 at Sally’s house. If interested in joining the group, talk to Sally Engebrethson, 415/250-6728.

Family Resources